Head in the clouds

You have not felt such a rush for a long time, this much is for sure. If you have not entered the cloud yet, then please do so. The one at Amazon is like riding a roller coaster of fun. How on earth can setting up a virtual machine that hosts Oracle SOA Suite + WebCenter + BPM + JDeveloper + a bunch of incredible demos be so easy? To make such a convoluted installing process this easy is almost like blasphemy, except the good kind, that makes you stop and think.

Thank you Oracle and thank you Jamie@AWS, who ever you are. This has been like christmas.

Oh, and once you do (and you should) sign up to Amazon EC2 and launch the Amazon Machine Instance (AMI), you will need to do the following:

  1. Edit your default Security Group settings in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Management Console so that you will have the ports 22, 1521, 7001, 8001, 8888 and 9001 open. Go to: Amazon EC2 > Navigation > Networking & Security > Security Groups > default, and then just add Allowed Connections (Connection Method > Custom and Port > nnnn) for those ports.
  2. Wait a bit for the instances to load up (10 – 15 minutes). And then connect to your instance using putty/ssh. You can find out the instance address in the AWS Management Console, Instances > Instances list. Just click on the instance and then Description (it is the panel in the lower side of the screen). There you can find the Public DNS name (this will change at least between restarts). During the putty login you will be asked some questions (license and passwords) after which the server is pretty much ready to use.
  3. For the rest of it all, you will want to also connect using NX Client, because it is the best way to use the installed JDeveloper.
  4. Download the NX Server components from the Nomachine NX Free server download page and downloading all of these three (client, node and server) packages to your virtual machine (wget, wget and wget
  5. Install the packages using sudo rpm -i nxclient-3.4.0-7.x86_64.rpm, sudo rpm -i nxnode-3.4.0-14.x86_64.rpm and sudo rpm -i nxserver-3.4.0-14.x86_64.rpm commands.
  6. Install an NC client to you machine/laptop/whatever from NX download page.
  7. Connect to your instance using your NX Client. Just go with the defaults, except Gnome is more preferrable (at least I think so), so choose Gnome over KDE in the third screen of the NX Connection Wizard. Connect using the user oracle/<password you selected>.
  8. Now you have connection and you should see a desktop where you can launch the JDeveloper. Also, /home/oracle/bin/show_urls.sh will show you the urls for the various services.

All in all, it is like sweet candy, you will want to experience this.